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Approximating Sparsest Cut in Low-Treewidth Graphs via Combinatorial Diameter
ACM Transactions on Algorithms ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-14 , DOI: 10.1145/3632623
Parinya Chalermsook 1 , Matthias Kaul 2 , Matthias Mnich 2 , Joachim Spoerhase 3 , Sumedha Uniyal 1 , Daniel Vaz 4

The fundamental Sparsest Cut problem takes as input a graph G together with edge capacities and demands, and seeks a cut that minimizes the ratio between the capacities and demands across the cuts. For n-vertex graphs G of treewidth k, Chlamtáč, Krauthgamer, and Raghavendra (APPROX 2010) presented an algorithm that yields a factor-\(2^{2^k} \) approximation in time 2O(k) · nO(1). Later, Gupta, Talwar and Witmer (STOC 2013) showed how to obtain a 2-approximation algorithm with a blown-up run time of nO(k). An intriguing open question is whether one can simultaneously achieve the best out of the aforementioned results, that is, a factor-2 approximation in time 2O(k) · nO(1).

In this paper, we make significant progress towards this goal, via the following results:


A factor-O(k2) approximation that runs in time 2O(k) · nO(1), directly improving the work of Chlamtáč et al. while keeping the run time single-exponential in k.


For any ε ∈ (0, 1], a factor-O(1/ε2) approximation whose run time is \(2^{O(k^{1+\varepsilon }/\varepsilon)} \cdot n^{O(1)} \), implying a constant-factor approximation whose run time is nearly single-exponential in k and a factor-O(log 2k) approximation in time kO(k) · nO(1).

Key to these results is a new measure of a tree decomposition that we call combinatorial diameter, which may be of independent interest.



基本的稀疏割问题将图G以及边容量和需求作为输入,并寻求一种割,使割中的容量和需求之间的比率最小化。对于树宽为 k的n顶点图 G ,Chlamtáč、Krauthgamer 和 Raghavendra (APPROX 2010) 提出了一种算法,可在 2 O ( k ) · n O时间内生成因子-\(2^{2^ k } \) 近似值(1) . 后来,Gupta、Talwar 和 Witmer (STOC 2013) 展示了如何获得运行时间为n O ( k )的 2 近似算法。一个有趣的悬而未决的问题是,是否可以同时实现上述结果中的最佳结果,即时间 2 O ( k ) · n O (1)的因子 2 近似。



在 2 O ( k ) · n O (1)时间内运行的因子O ( k 2 ) 近似,直接改进了 Chlamtáč 等人的工作。同时保持k中的运行时间为单指数。


对于任何 ε ε (0, 1],一个因子O (1/ε 2 ) 近似,其运行时间为 \(2^{O(k^{1+\varepsilon }/\varepsilon)} \cdot n^{ O(1)} \),意味着运行时间接近k的单指数常数因子近似,以及时间k O ( k ) · n O (1) 的因子O (log  2 k ) 近似。

