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Analysis of submerged vehicle wakes in stratified ocean
Journal of Marine Science and Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s00773-023-00961-6
Dawei Li , Kaibo Yu , Xiao Wang , Hang Sun

The free surface and pycnocline wake characteristics of SUBOFF were studied by simulations and experiments in a two-layer ocean. The experimental results showed that the simulation method accurately calculated the wake characteristics of the scaling model, and the simulation method was expanded to full-scale prototypes. When typical Froude numbers of flow is from 0.05 to 2.7, the submerged body velocity can influence the wake characteristics of the free surface and pycnocline interface. The wake system of the free surface would transform into a Kelvin wake, and the angles of the V-shaped divergent waves of the pycnocline interface would be reduced with the increasing Froude number.



