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Blockchain-Based Authentication Scheme with an Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication Strategy
Mobile Information Systems ( IF 1.863 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-14 , DOI: 10.1155/2023/4764135
Yanbin Xu 1 , Xinya Jian 2 , Tao Li 2 , Shuang Zou 3 , Beibei Li 2

Authentication is of paramount significance to cybersecurity. However, most of conventional authentication schemes are implemented in a centralized mode, in which potential problems that could arise include single-point failure, the exposure of personal information, and the risk of identity theft. Additionally, static single-factor authentication schemes are unsuitable for dynamic environments like mobile applications. In order to tackle these difficulties, we propose a blockchain-based authentication scheme with an adaptive multi-factor authentication strategy. Our scheme features a blockchain-based authentication framework that prevents unauthorized information alteration and system corruption. Additionally, we design an adaptive multi-factor authentication strategy model to ensure trustworthy multi-factor authentication in dynamic scenarios. Last, we construct a Raft-based consensus model to select an authoritative leading node for rapid authentication. The security analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in effectively countering various forms of cyberattacks targeted at authentication systems, and experiments demonstrate its superior effectiveness and efficiency compared to existing studies.


