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Low concentration of sodium tetradecyl sulfate and hypertonic glucose solution for the treatment of telangiectasia: A prospective randomized clinical trial.
Phlebology: The Journal of Venous Disease ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-30 , DOI: 10.1177/02683555231191969
Oksana V Bukina 1 , Aleksandr A Sinitsyn 2 , Oksana I Efremova 3 , Andrey V Pelevin 4

OBJECTIVES This study aimed to compare telangiectasias disappearance after sclerotherapy with hypertonic glucose (HG) and different concentrations of sodium tetradecyl sulfate (STS). METHODS Women aged 18-70 years with telangiectasias were included. The primary efficacy endpoint was telangiectasia disappearance. The clearing of vessels was assessed using a six-point scale (from 0 to 5). RESULTS A total of 116 women completed an 8-week follow-up: 31, 27, 25, and 33 were in the HG 75%, STS 0.05%, STS 0.1%, and STS 0.15% groups, respectively. The median score of vein disappearance was significantly lower in the STS 0.05% (3, 0.25-4), STS 0.1% (3, 1.25-4), and STS 0.15% (4, 2-4) groups than in the HG group (4, 3-5) after 56 days, p = .00002. CONCLUSION Sclerotherapy of telangiectasias with 75% HG showed significantly better results than low concentrations of STS. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04132323.



目的本研究旨在比较高渗葡萄糖(HG)和不同浓度十四烷基硫酸钠(STS)硬化疗法后毛细血管扩张的消失情况。方法 年龄 18-70 岁患有毛细血管扩张的女性被纳入研究。主要疗效终点是毛细血管扩张消失。使用六分制(从 0 到 5)评估血管的清理情况。结果 共有 116 名女性完成了 8 周的随访:HG 75%、STS 0.05%、STS 0.1% 和 STS 0.15% 组分别有 31 名、27 名、25 名和 33 名。STS 0.05% (3, 0.25-4)、STS 0.1% (3, 1.25-4) 和 STS 0.15% (4, 2-4) 组的静脉消失中位评分显着低于 HG 组(4, 3-5) 56 天后,p = .00002。结论 75% HG 硬化治疗毛细血管扩张的效果明显优于低浓度 STS。试验注册 ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04132323。