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What Patient-Experience Data Reveal about Trust
Hastings Center Report ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-14 , DOI: 10.1002/hast.1523
Thomas H. Lee , Senem Guney , Deirdre E. Mylod

This essay analyzes two types of patient-experience data to broaden and deepen understanding of trust in health care. Analysis of patients’ open-ended comments shows a close connection between patients’ feelings of trust and their intent to recommend providers and provider organizations—a global measure to evaluate patients’ perceptions of care experiences. Patients’ comments also reveal the bidirectional building of trust between the patient and the caregiver. Trust gets built when patients perceive their caregivers to trust their knowledge of their bodies as well as when caregivers demonstrate caring behaviors that earn the patients’ trust. Patients’ ratings of a closed-ended survey item on “confidence in provider” create the greatest differentiation for the global measure of patient experience—whether patients did or did not recommend a practice or provider. The essay also discusses related findings on pre-visit friction and the use of humor by the caregiver to expand understanding of trust.


