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Chemotherapy and adjuvant therapies' impact on the internal remodeling process of bone and its mechanical behavior for breast cancer patients
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-13 , DOI: 10.1002/cnm.3788
Imane Ait Oumghar 1, 2 , Abdelwahed Barkaoui 1 , Tarek Merzouki 3 , Daphne Guenoun 2 , Patrick Chabrand 2

Breast cancer is a significant public health issue affecting women worldwide. While advancements in treatment options have led to improved survival rates, the impact of breast cancer and its treatments on bone health cannot be overlooked. Bone remodeling is a complex process regulated by the delicate balance between bone formation and resorption. Any disruption to this balance can lead to decreased bone density, increased fracture risk, and compromised physical function. To investigate the effects of breast cancer and its treatments on bone remodeling, a finite element model was developed in this study. This model incorporated bone remodeling equations to simulate the mechanical behavior of bone under different conditions. The ABAQUS/UMAT software was used to simulate the behavior of bone tissue under the influence of breast cancer and treatments. Our findings suggest that bone loss is more pronounced after secondary breast cancer and treatment, leading to bone loss (6%–19% decrease in BV/TV), reduced bone stimulation, and decreased effectiveness of physical activity on recovery. These results highlight the importance of early intervention and management of bone health in breast cancer patients to mitigate the negative impact of cancer and treatment on bone remodeling.



乳腺癌是影响全世界女性的重大公共卫生问题。虽然治疗方案的进步提高了生存率,但乳腺癌及其治疗对骨骼健康的影响也不容忽视。骨重塑是一个复杂的过程,受骨形成和吸收之间微妙平衡的调节。这种平衡的任何破坏都可能导致骨密度降低、骨折风险增加和身体功能受损。为了研究乳腺癌及其治疗对骨重塑的影响,本研究开发了有限元模型。该模型结合了骨重塑方程来模拟不同条件下骨的力学行为。使用ABAQUS/UMAT软件模拟骨组织在乳腺癌和治疗的影响下的行为。我们的研究结果表明,继发性乳腺癌和治疗后骨质流失更加明显,导致骨质流失(BV/TV 减少 6%–19%)、骨刺激减少以及体力活动对恢复的有效性降低。这些结果强调了早期干预和管理乳腺癌患者骨骼健康的重要性,以减轻癌症和治疗对骨重塑的负面影响。