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Genetics of Short Stature: The Possibilities Grow!
Indian Pediatrics ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s13312-023-3019-6
Aashima Dabas

Genetic testing has deciphered new molecular mechanisms that govern growth and confirm rare genetic disorders with short stature. This reiterates the need for a judicious clinical approach in children with short stature that should be substantiated with genetic testing for a confirmatory diagnosis. Targeted gene panels for genes involved with hormones and growth axis are helpful. Similarly, targeted gene testing for skeletal dysplasia in the presence of a clinical gestalt provides a confirmatory diagnosis. Next generation deep resequencing methods have their place in the diagnostic toolkit, as does exploring the whole exome for novel mutations in both known and unknown genes related to growth. However, caution should be exercised to avoid an injudicious array of molecular investigations that may not be rewarding and may instead add to the anxiety of the clinician and the family.



