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Configurations Pub Date : 2023-11-15 , DOI: 10.1353/con.2023.a912119

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  • Contributors

Başak Ağın is an associate professor of English Literature at TED University, Ankara, Türkiye. She is the author of Posthümanizm: Kavram, Kuram, Bilim-Kurgu [Posthumanism: Concept, Theory, Science Fiction] (2020, Siyasal), co-editor of Posthuman Pathogenesis: Contagion in Literature, Media, and Arts (2022, Routledge), and the translation editor of Ekofobi Hipotezi (2021, Cappadocia U. Press), which is the Turkish translation of Simon C. Estok’s The Ecophobia Hypothesis. Her scholarly articles appeared in such journals as Ecozon@, CLCWeb, Neohelicon, Translation Review, and EJES. Currently, she is translating Jane Bennett’s Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things.

Ashlee Bird is a Native American (Western Abenaki) game designer and PhD in Native American studies. She is an assistant professor of American studies at the University of Notre Dame. Her work interweaves Native American studies, media studies, and game studies to address representations of Native American characters in video games and Native American creators pushing back with decolonial design. Beyond her academic writing, she has created two video games, publicly exhibited seven times in group and solo exhibitions, and curated a museum show.

Stephanie Boluk plays, makes, and writes about games at the University of California, Davis. They are a coauthor of Metagaming: Playing, Competing, Spectating, Cheating, Trading, Making, and Breaking Videogames with Patrick LeMieux, and a cast member of Every Game in This City, a podcast on the Idle Thumbs Network about playing well together.

Anne Brubaker is a senior lecturer in the writing program at Wellesley College, where she teaches on modern American literature, gender, science and technology studies, and science fiction. She earned her PhD in English in 2011 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research on the intersections among literary criticism, modern American writing, and mathematics has appeared in American Quarterly, New Literary History, Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture, and The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Mathematics.

Alenda Y. Chang is an associate professor of Film and Media Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Chang’s work has appeared in numerous journals, among them Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, Qui Parle, electronic book review, Feminist Media Histories, and Resilience. Her first book, Playing Nature: Ecology in Video Games, develops environmentally informed frameworks for understanding and designing digital games. At UCSB, Chang co-directs Wireframe, a studio promoting collaborative theoretical and creative media practice with investments in global social and environmental justice. She is also a founding co-editor of the UC Press open-access journal, Media+Environment.

Edmond Y. Chang is an associate professor of English at Ohio University. His areas of research include technoculture, race, gender, and sexuality, queer game studies, popular culture, and 20th/21st century American literature. Recent publications include “Imagining Asian American (Environmental) Games” in AMSJ; “Why Are the Digital Humanities So Straight?” in Alternative Historiographies of the Digital Humanities, and “Queergaming” in Queer Game Studies. He is the creator of Tellings, a high fantasy tabletop role-playing game, and Archaea, a live-action role-playing game. He is also an assistant editor for Analog Game Studies and a contributing editor for Gamers with Glasses.

Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal is the Ruth and Paul Idzik Collegiate Chair in Digital Scholarship and assistant professor of English and Film, Television, and Theatre at the University of Notre Dame. His research is situated at the crossroads of media theory, STS, and literary criticism. His book project, Rendering: A Political Anatomy of Computation, charts a history and theory of the computer as an ideology machine. He is also a co-author (with Théo Lepage-Richer and Lucy Suchman) of Neural Networks (U. Minnesota Press and Meson Press), and his award-winning writing can be found in Critical Inquiry, Configurations, American Literature, and Design Issues.

Simon C. Estok is a full professor and senior research fellow at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea’s first and oldest university. He is editor of the journal Neohelicon and is an elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. His award-winning Ecocriticism and Shakespeare: Reading Ecophobia appeared in 2011 (reprinted 2014), and his much anticipated The Ecophobia Hypothesis (Routledge, 2018; reprinted with errata as paperback in 2020) has been...




  • 贡献者

Başak Ağın是土耳其安卡拉 TED 大学英语文学副教授。她是《后人类主义:卡夫拉姆、库拉姆、比利姆-库尔古》 (后人类主义:概念、理论、科幻小说)(2020 年,Siyasal)的作者,也是《后人类发病机制:文学、媒体和艺术中的传染》(2022 年,劳特利奇)的联合编辑。 ,以及《Ekofobi Hipotezi》 (2021 年,卡帕多西亚大学出版社)的翻译编辑,该书是 Simon C. Estok 的《生态恐惧假说》的土耳其语译本。她的学术文章发表在Ecozon@CLCWebNeoheliconTranslation ReviewEJES等期刊上。目前,她正在翻译简·贝内特的《充满活力的物质:事物的政治生态学》

Ashlee Bird是一位美洲原住民(西阿贝纳基)游戏设计师,也是美洲原住民研究博士。她是圣母大学美国研究助理教授。她的作品将美洲原住民研究、媒体研究和游戏研究交织在一起,以解决电子游戏中美洲原住民角色的表现以及美国原住民创作者对非殖民化设计的抵制。除了学术写作之外,她还创作了两款视频游戏,在群展和个展中公开展出了七次,并策划了一场博物馆展览。

Stephanie Boluk在加州大学戴维斯分校玩游戏、制作游戏并撰写游戏相关文章。他们与帕特里克·勒米厄 (Patrick LeMieux) 合着了《Metagaming: Playing, Competing, Spectating, Cheating, Trading, Making, and Breaking Videogames》一书,并且是《Every Game in This City》的演员,这是 Idle Thumbs Network 上关于如何一起玩的播客。

安妮·布鲁贝克 (Anne Brubaker)是韦尔斯利学院写作项目的高级讲师,教授现代美国文学、性别、科学技术研究和科幻小说。她于 2011 年在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校获得英语博士学位。她对文学批评、现代美国写作和数学之间交叉点的研究发表在《美国季刊》《新文学史》《流派:话语和文化的形式》以及《帕尔格雷夫文学和数学手册》上。

阿伦达·张 (Alenda Y. Chang)是加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校电影与媒体研究副教授。张的作品发表在许多期刊上,其中包括《文学与环境跨学科研究》《Qui Parle》《电子书评》《女权主义媒体史》《弹性》。她的第一本书《玩转自然:视频游戏中的生态》开发了用于理解和设计数字游戏的环境信息框架。在 UCSB,Chang 共同领导了 Wireframe 工作室,该工作室通过对全球社会和环境正义的投资来促进协作理论和创意媒体实践。她还是加州大学出版社开放获取期刊《媒体+环境》的创始联合编辑。

Edmond Y. Chang是俄亥俄大学英语系副教授。他的研究领域包括技术文化、种族、性别和性行为、酷儿游戏研究、流行文化和 20 世纪/21 世纪美国文学。最近发表的文章包括AMSJ上的“Imagining Asian American (Environmental) Games” ;“为什么数字人文如此直接?” 数字人文的另类史学酷儿游戏研究中的“酷儿游戏” 。他是高奇幻桌面角色扮演游戏Tellings和真人角色扮演游戏Archaea的创造者。他还是《Analog Game Studies》的助理编辑和《Gamers with Glasses》的特约编辑。

兰乔德·辛格·达利瓦尔 (Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal)是圣母大学数字奖学金露丝和保罗·伊兹克学院主席兼英语、电影、电视和戏剧系助理教授。他的研究处于媒体理论、STS 和文学批评的十字路口。他的图书项目《渲染:计算的政治剖析》描绘了计算机作为意识形态机器的历史和理论。他还是《Neural Networks》 (U. Minnesota Press 和 Meson Press )的合著者(与 Théo Lepage-Richer 和 Lucy Suchman),他的获奖作品发表在《批判性探究》《配置》《美国文学》《设计》中问题

Simon C. Estok是韩国第一所也是最古老的大学成均馆大学的正教授和高级研究员。他是Neohelicon杂志的编辑,并当选为欧洲科学与艺术学院院士。他的获奖作品《生态批评与莎士比亚:阅读生态恐惧症》于 2011 年出版(2014 年重印),而他备受期待的《生态恐惧假说》(Routledge,2018 年;2020 年平装本重印勘误表)……
