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Advancing the Field of Fetal Neurology: A Call for Global Collaborations
Indian Pediatrics ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s13312-023-3007-x
Sonika Agarwal , Charu Venkatesan , Tomo Tarui , Dawn Gano

Fetal Neurology continues to grow as a distinct subspecialty informed by evolving precision diagnosis with advancements in prenatal neuroimaging, genetic and infectious testing. While there are inherent limitations and challenges in prenatal diagnostic testing and prognostic counseling, the interdisciplinary approach allows comprehensive guidance for perinatal and postnatal management of neurological disorders detected early in development. The current practice of fetal neurology is heterogenous and variable across centers. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), fetal neurology practice is under the umbrella of neonatal and perinatal medicine. Since infrastructure and capacity for prenatal diagnostic and prognostic counseling may be variable, the practice approach may have to be modified regionally based on resources, education, and setting. There is a need for collaborative development of educational opportunities, training, guidelines, and research exploring short- and long-term outcome of prenatally identified neurological conditions. Interdisciplinary collaborations and global professional networks are crucial to advance this unique subspecialty.



