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Hyperbilirubinemia and Choledocholithiasis in an Extremely Premature Neonate.
Pediatric Annals ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-01 , DOI: 10.3928/19382359-20230613-04
Angela Desmond , Richard Sleightholm , Theodore De Beritto

Cholestasis affects 2% of newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit and 20% of premature infants and requires a thoughtful evaluation and diagnostic workup.There may be a single responsible etiology, or its development may be multifactorial. Premature neonates are especially predisposed because of their increased risk of infections and acute illness, need for parenteral nutrition, and exposure to certain medications. Clinically, an infant may present with jaundice, evidence of hepatic injury, or worsening hepatic function. Diagnosis may be made in consultation with various pediatric subspecialists including gastroenterology, genetics, and surgery. Treatment depends on the etiology but may include medications or surgical interventions. Timely recognition and intervention improve outcomes. [Pediatr Ann. 2023;52(8):e297-e302.].



胆汁淤积影响 2% 入住新生儿重症监护病房的新生儿和 20% 的早产儿,需要进行深思熟虑的评估和诊断检查。可能有单一的病因,也可能是多因素导致的。早产儿尤其容易感染,因为他们感染和急性疾病的风险增加、需要肠外营养以及接触某些药物。临床上,婴儿可能会出现黄疸、肝损伤或肝功能恶化的迹象。可以咨询各种儿科专科医生(包括胃肠病学、遗传学和外科)进行诊断。治疗取决于病因,但可能包括药物或手术干预。及时识别和干预可以改善结果。[小儿安。2023;52(8):e297-e302.]。