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Understanding the heart failure evolution as an important step towards optimized treatment.
Cardiology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-10 , DOI: 10.1159/000533307
Marko Banovic 1, 2

Heart failure is a dynamic syndrome with changing clinical trajectories. This dynamics may be captured in several ways, including alterations in cardiac structure and function and by patient' clinical status. The meticulous and long-term follow-up, together with continuation of medical treatment or by applying interventional treatment procedures where possible and reasonable, is recommended to ensure that exacerbation or recurrence of HF symptoms or left ventricular dysfunction do not occur. In this sense, a registry-based longitudinal study by Frankestein and coworkers, published in this issue of Cardiology, gives an important contribution to better understanding of HF evolution.



心力衰竭是一种临床轨迹不断变化的动态综合征。这种动态可以通过多种方式捕捉,包括心脏结构和功能的改变以及患者临床状态的改变。建议进行细致、长期的随访,并继续药物治疗或在可能且合理的情况下采用介入治疗程序,以确保心力衰竭症状或左心功能不全的恶化或复发。从这个意义上说,Frankestein 及其同事在本期《心脏病学》上发表的一项基于登记的纵向研究为更好地理解心力衰竭的演变做出了重要贡献。