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Risk of depression in patients with acromegaly in Korea (2006-2016): a nationwide population-based study.
European Journal of Endocrinology ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-01 , DOI: 10.1093/ejendo/lvad120
Shinje Moon 1 , Sangmo Hong 2 , Kyungdo Han 3 , Cheol-Young Park 4

BACKGROUND An increased prevalence of depression has been reported in patients with acromegaly. However, most studies included a relatively small sample size owing to the rarity of acromegaly. We aimed to investigate the risk of depression in patients with acromegaly using the Korean National Health Information Database (NHID). METHODS The data of patients with acromegaly in 2006-2016 were collected from the rare incurable disease registry of the NHID. Patients with acromegaly were matched with control participants without acromegaly for age and sex in a 1:5 ratio. RESULTS Patients who did not receive treatment for acromegaly had a significantly increased risk of depression (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.43, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.12-1.82). However, the risk of depression did not increase in patients who received treatment for acromegaly. The multiple Cox regression analysis showed that the risk of depression was significantly higher in the untreated group than in the control group during the first 3 years of observation (HR: 1.829, 95% CI: 1.305-2.563). However, after a time lag of over 3 years, the risk of depression decreased in the untreated group, which is similar to that in the control group. CONCLUSION Our nationwide study suggests that patients who did not receive treatment for acromegaly have a higher risk of depression compared with controls. The untreated acromegaly patients should be monitored for the development of depression, especially in the early years after diagnosis. These results could serve as a basis for developing screening strategies to mitigate depression in acromegaly patients.



背景 据报道,肢端肥大症患者的抑郁症患病率有所增加。然而,由于肢端肥大症很少见,大多数研究的样本量相对较小。我们的目的是利用韩国国家健康信息数据库(NHID)调查肢端肥大症患者患抑郁症的风险。方法收集NHID罕见疑难病登记处2006-2016年肢端肥大症患者资料。肢端肥大症患者与无肢端肥大症的对照参与者按年龄和性别按 1:5 的比例进行匹配。结果 未接受肢端肥大症治疗的患者患抑郁症的风险显着增加(风险比 [HR]:1.43,95% 置信区间 [CI]:1.12-1.82)。然而,接受肢端肥大症治疗的患者患抑郁症的风险并未增加。多元Cox回归分析显示,前3年观察期间,未治疗组患抑郁症的风险显着高于对照组(HR:1.829,95% CI:1.305-2.563)。然而,经过3年多的时间滞后,未治疗组的抑郁风险有所下降,与对照组相似。结论 我们的全国性研究表明,与对照组相比,未接受肢端肥大症治疗的患者患抑郁症的风险更高。应监测未经治疗的肢端肥大症患者是否出现抑郁症,尤其是在诊断后的最初几年。这些结果可以作为制定筛查策略的基础,以减轻肢端肥大症患者的抑郁症。