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Optimal Timing of Extubation in Preterm Infants
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.siny.2023.101489
Wissam Shalish 1 , Guilherme M Sant'Anna 1

In neonatal intensive care, endotracheal intubation is usually performed as an urgent or semi-urgent procedure in infants with critical or unstable conditions related to progressive respiratory failure. Extubation is not. Patients undergoing extubation are typically stable, with improved respiratory function. The key elements to facilitating extubation are to recognize improvement in respiratory status, promote weaning of mechanical ventilation, and accurately identify readiness for removal of the endotracheal tube. Therefore, extubation should be a planned and well-organized procedure. In this review, we will appraise the evidence for existing predictors of extubation readiness and provide patient-specific, pathophysiology-derived strategies to optimize the timing and success of extubation in neonates, with a focus on extremely preterm infants.



