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Success rates and adverse events during neonatal intubation: Lessons learned from an international registry
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.siny.2023.101482
Heidi M Herrick 1 , Mackenzie A O'Reilly 1 , Elizabeth E Foglia 1

Neonatal endotracheal intubation is a challenging procedure with suboptimal success and adverse event rates. Systematically tracking intubation outcomes is imperative to understand both universal and site-specific barriers to intubation success and safety. The National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates (NEAR4NEOS) is an international registry designed to improve neonatal intubation practice and outcomes that includes over 17,000 intubations across 23 international sites as of 2023. Methods to improve intubation safety and success include appropriately matching the intubation provider and situation and increasing adoption of evidence-based practices such as muscle relaxant premedication and video laryngoscope, and potentially new interventions such as procedural oxygenation.



新生儿气管插管是一项具有挑战性的手术,其成功率和不良事件率均不理想。系统地跟踪插管结果对于了解插管成功和安全的普遍和特定地点障碍至关重要。国家新生儿紧急气道登记处 (NEAR4NEOS) 是一个旨在改善新生儿插管实践和结果的国际登记处,截至 2023 年,包括 23 个国际地点的 17,000 多次插管。提高插管安全性和成功率的方法包括适当匹配插管提供者和情况越来越多地采用基于证据的实践,例如肌肉松弛术前用药和视频喉镜,以及潜在的新干预措施,例如程序性氧合。
