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Hidden ring crack in a rotating hollow cylinder under torsion
International Journal of Engineering Science ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijengsci.2023.103976
Zinaida Zhuravlova , Igor Istenes , Daniel Peck , Yuriy Protserov , Nataly Vaysfeld

We consider the impact of a ring crack within a rotating hollow cylinder of fixed height under axisymmetric (torsion) loading. The form of the displacement is obtained from the equation of motion using the Fourier sin transform. The displacement jump over the crack is obtained from the boundary condition on the tangential stress, formulated as a singular integral equation which is solved by the method of orthogonal polynomials. The stress intensity factors on the opposing crack surfaces are calculated. The dependence of the crack extension on the problem geometry is investigated, including the impact of the crack’s location, cylinder’s height, torsion loading and rotation frequency. Possible extensions of the model to cover fatigue cracking are considered. Whether the presented model can be used to develop a practical test for detecting cracks is investigated.



