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Bonding against the odds: Male prairie vole response to the “widow effect” among females
Behavioural Processes ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2023.104968
Santiago A Forero 1 , Alexander G Ophir 1

Although pair bonding is the preferred mating tactic among socially monogamous prairie voles, naturalistic observations have demonstrated many males remain non-bonded. Moreover, although males readily re-bond after the loss of a partner, females do not (i.e., the “widow effect’). Few studies have attempted to address why so many males remain non-bonded or if a reluctance of re-bonding in females contributes to this outcome. We investigate how female bonding history impacts male pair bond formation. Specifically, we test two alternative hypotheses for how sexually naïve males will behave when paired with widow females. The fecundity hypothesis predicts males will avoid bonding with widow females and be more receptive to novel bond-naïve females. The preference to bond hypothesis predicts males will choose to bond and express a partner preference, irrespective of if a pair-mate is a widow or sexually naïve. Our results demonstrated that males expressed a partner preference for females regardless of their social history. These data support the preference to bond hypothesis and suggest natural variation in bonding may not be strongly due to males forgoing bonding opportunities.



