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Alcohol intoxication, condom use rationale, and men's coercive condom use resistance: The role of past unintended partner pregnancy.
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors ( IF 4.044 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-14 , DOI: 10.1037/adb0000956
Elizabeth C Neilson 1 , Tiffany L Marcantonio 2 , Jacqueline Woerner 3 , Ruschelle M Leone 4 , Michelle Haikalis 5 , Kelly Cue Davis 6

OBJECTIVE Cisgender men's condom use resistance (CUR), deliberate attempts to avoid using a condom with a partner who wishes to use one, may include coercive strategies, such as deception and force, and places their partners at risk for unintended pregnancy and sexually transitted infections (STIs). This investigation used an alcohol administration design to examine one distal (history of unintended partner pregnancy) and two proximal (acute alcohol intoxication, condom use rationale) contributors to men's intentions to engage in coercive CUR. METHOD Nonproblem drinking, cisgender men (N = 313) completed questionnaires, then were randomized to a beverage condition (control, placebo, low dose [.04%gm], and high dose [.08%gm]). Participants completed a sexual risk analog and reported their coercive CUR intentions after a hypothetical, female partner provided a condom use rationale (STI avoidance or pregnancy avoidance). RESULTS Men who received the pregnancy condom use rationale reported higher intentions to engage in coercive CUR when they received a high alcohol dose relative to sober men. For men who had a history of unintended partner pregnancy, receiving a pregnancy condom use rationale was associated with greater intentions to have forced, condomless sex if they received a high alcohol dose relative to sober men. CONCLUSIONS Intoxicated men may be more likely to engage in coercive CUR; this may indicate that when intoxicated, pregnancy risks are less salient relative to STI-related outcomes. As reproductive rights are being decimated, effective interventions targeting CUR, particularly when intoxicated, are needed in tandem with policies that affirm one's ability to prevent and terminate pregnancy. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



目标 顺性别男性对安全套使用的抵制(CUR),即刻意避免与希望使用安全套的伴侣一起使用安全套,可能包括欺骗和强迫等强制策略,并使他们的伴侣面临意外怀孕和性传播感染的风险(性传播感染)。这项调查使用酒精管理设计来检查男性参与强制 CUR 意图的一个远端因素(伴侣意外怀孕史)和两个近端因素(急性酒精中毒、使用安全套的基本原理)。方法 无饮酒问题的顺性别男性 (N = 313) 完成问卷调查,然后随机分配至饮料条件组(对照、安慰剂、低剂量 [0.04%gm] 和高剂量 [0.08%gm])。参与者完成了性风险模拟,并在假设的女性伴侣提供了使用安全套的理由(避免性传播感染或避免怀孕)后报告了他们的强制 CUR 意图。结果 接受妊娠安全套使用理由的男性报告称,与清醒男性相比,当他们接受高剂量酒精时,他们更愿意进行强制 CUR。对于有伴侣意外怀孕史的男性来说,与清醒男性相比,如果他们接受了高剂量的酒精,则接受怀孕避孕套使用理由后,他们更愿意进行强迫、不戴避孕套的性行为。结论 醉酒的男性可能更有可能进行强制性 CUR;这可能表明,与性传播感染相关的结果相比,醉酒时的怀孕风险不太显着。由于生殖权利正在受到损害,因此需要针对 CUR(尤其是醉酒时)采取有效的干预措施,同时制定确认个人预防和终止妊娠能力的政策。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。