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Oral toxicity of an artificial sweetener sucralose on the German cockroach (Blattodea: Ectobiidae) and its impact on water balance and gut microbiome
Journal of Economic Entomology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 , DOI: 10.1093/jee/toad206
Shao-Hung Lee 1 , Dong-Hwan Choe 1 , Michael K Rust 1 , Chow-Yang Lee 1

Artificial or non-nutritive sweeteners are indigestible by most animals. Some sweeteners are orally toxic to insects and have received recent interest as potential safe insecticides due to their low mammalian toxicity. In this study, we investigated the oral toxicity of sucralose on insecticide-susceptible and resistant German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.). In a nonchoice test, we evaluated 5, 10, and 20% sucralose solutions. Depending on the cockroach strains, mean mortality ranged from 62.5 to 92.5%, 15 to 55%, and 2.5 to 27.5% for 20, 10, and 5% sucralose, respectively. Next, we measured the impact of a 20% sucralose treatment on water loss rates in the cockroach strains. All strains lost 23.0–30.29% of body water by 6 d. Dehydrated cockroaches were more prone to be killed by sucralose than nondehydrated ones. Lastly, we evaluated the effect of 20% sucralose treatment on gut bacterial composition and found the diversity of gut bacteria in treated cockroaches was significantly reduced after 3 days, implicating a rapid change in the alimentary environment.



大多数动物无法消化人造或非营养性甜味剂。一些甜味剂对昆虫具有口服毒性,由于其对哺乳动物的毒性较低,因此作为潜在的安全杀虫剂最近受到关注。在这项研究中,我们研究了三氯蔗糖对杀虫剂敏感和耐药的德国小蠊(Blattella germanica (L.))的口服毒性。在非选择测试中,我们评估了 5%、10% 和 20% 三氯蔗糖溶液。根据蟑螂品系的不同,20%、10% 和 5% 三氯蔗糖的平均死亡率分别为 62.5% 至 92.5%、15% 至 55% 和 2.5% 至 27.5%。接下来,我们测量了 20% 三氯蔗糖处理对蟑螂品系失水率的影响。所有菌株在 6 天内损失了 23.0–30.29% 的体内水分。脱水蟑螂比非脱水蟑螂更容易被三氯蔗糖杀死。最后,我们评估了 20% 三氯蔗糖处理对肠道细菌组成的影响,发现经过处理的蟑螂肠道细菌多样性在 3 天后显着降低,这表明消化环境发生了快速变化。