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Bite force, body size, and octopamine mediate mating interactions in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus).
Journal of Evolutionary Biology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-22 , DOI: 10.1111/jeb.14226
Fadeke Adeola 1 , Simon Lailvaux 1

Mating interactions are rife with conflict because the evolutionary interests of males and females seldom coincide. Intersexual conflict affects sexual selection, yet the proximate factors underlying male coercive ability and female resistance are poorly understood. Male combat outcomes are often influenced by bite force, with superior biters being more likely to achieve victory over poorer biters in a range of species, including crickets. If good performers also achieve mating success through sexual coercion, then bite force might play a role in intersexual conflict as well. We tested the capacity of bite force to influence mating interactions in house crickets both directly by measuring bite forces of males and females and by altering male bite capacity through neuropharmacological manipulation. In addition, the invertebrate neurotransmitter octopamine both mediates aggression and underlies motivation to bite in male house crickets. By blocking octopamine receptors through the application of an antagonist, epinastine, we tested the effects of reduced bite force on male mating success. Our results show that male bite capacity, in combination with body size, influences both the likelihood and the outcomes of mating interactions, whereas treatment of males with epinastine eliminates motivation to mate. Our results suggest a functional role for bite force in affecting both sexual conflict and sexual selection and expand our knowledge of the influence of biogenic amines on reproductive behaviour.


咬合力、体型和章鱼胺介导家蟋蟀(Acheta Domesticus)的交配相互作用。
