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The role of the glycome in symbiotic host-microbe interactions.
Glycobiology ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-23 , DOI: 10.1093/glycob/cwad073
Rustam Aminov 1 , Leila Aminova 2

Glycosylation plays a crucial role in many aspects of cell biology, including cellular and organismal integrity, structure-and-function of many glycosylated molecules in the cell, signal transduction, development, cancer, and in a number of diseases. Besides, at the inter-organismal level of interaction, a variety of glycosylated molecules are involved in the host-microbiota recognition and initiation of downstream signalling cascades depending on the outcomes of the glycome-mediated ascertainment. The role of glycosylation in host-microbe interactions is better elaborated within the context of virulence and pathogenicity in bacterial infection processes but the symbiotic host-microbe relationships also involve substantive glycome-mediated interactions. The works in the latter field have been reviewed to a much lesser extent, and the main aim of this mini-review is to compensate for this deficiency and summarise the role of glycomics in host-microbe symbiotic interactions.


