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Mediating effects of parent–child dysfunctional interactions in the relationship between parenting distress and social–emotional problems and competencies
Infant Behavior and Development ( IF 2.671 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2023.101899
Ting Liu 1 , Ping Zhou 2 , Zhihong Zuo 1 , Meng Fan 3 , Yaoxuan Yang 3

This study investigated the association between parenting distress and four variables of young children’s social–emotional problems and competencies: externalizing, internalizing, and dysregulation problems, and social–emotional competencies, and whether parent–child dysfunctional interactions mediated these associations. Participants were Chinese toddlers ( = 711) aged 24–36 months in family (44.3%) and center-based (55.7%) care. The results from structural equation modeling showed that parent–child dysfunctional interactions fully mediated the relationship between parenting distress and externalizing, and dysregulation problems, and social–emotional competencies, while partially mediated in the internalizing problems for both groups. Furthermore, multi-group SEM models showed the direct and indirect pathways differed between two groups. The research concludes that parent-child interaction plays a crucial role in mediating the relationship between parenting distress and young children’s social–emotional problems and competencies. For families’ choice of childcare, this study suggests early center-based services provided for toddlers exposed to family risk characteristics such as parents’ poor mental health, and more importantly, low levels of parent–child interactions.