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Design of tensegrity torus based on bilevel optimization model
Mechanics Research Communications ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2023.104222
Jinyu Lu , Zhiyin Xu , Junwei Pan

This paper presents a design method for novel tensegrity torus based on a bilevel optimization model. The novel tensegrity torus is assembled by a plurality of deformed three-rod prismatic tensegrity units, which can be uniquely determined by 5 geometric parameters. Taking the five parameters as optimization variable, the uniformity of both geometry and prestress as optimization objective, a bilevel optimization model is innovatively established. This model can integrate multiple optimization objectives and address nested optimization problems. Three numerical examples with different equal divisions are established and the optimization results indicate good effect of optimization model. Further parameter analysis of the bilevel optimization model demonstrates that reasonable constraints can enhance the optimization effect of the model. Compared to other equal divisions, the prestress of 18-division torus is the most uniform.



