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Prioritizing persons deprived of liberty in global guidelines for tuberculosis preventive treatment.
PLOS Medicine ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-03 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004288
Aditya Narayan 1 , Argita D Salindri 1 , Salmaan Keshavjee 2, 3 , Monde Muyoyeta 4 , Kavindhran Velen 5 , Zulma V Rueda 6, 7 , Julio Croda 8, 9, 10 , Salome Charalambous 5, 11 , Alberto L García-Basteiro 12, 13, 14 , Sheela V Shenoi 9 , Crhistinne C M Gonçalves 8 , Liliane Ferreira da Silva 8 , Lia G Possuelo 15 , Sarita Aguirre 16 , Gladys Estigarribia 17 , Guillermo Sequera 18 , Louis Grandjean 19 , Lily Telisinghe 20 , Michael E Herce 4, 21 , Fernanda Dockhorn 22 , Frederick L Altice 9 , Jason R Andrews 1

In this Policy Forum piece, Aditya Narayan and colleagues discuss the challenges and opportunities for tuberculosis preventive treatment in carceral settings.



在这篇政策论坛文章中,Aditya Narayan 及其同事讨论了监狱环境中结核病预防性治疗的挑战和机遇。