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Interaction of Terahertz Radiation Pulse with a Plasma Layer in a Magnetic Field
Journal of Russian Laser Research ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10946-023-10170-6
Vyacheslav E. Grishkov , Polina D. Trofimova , Sergey A. Uryupin

We consider the interaction of Gaussian pulse of electromagnetic radiation with a plasma layer located in a constant magnetic field directed along the layer boundaries. We show that, when exposed to a long pulse, the transmitted pulse amplitude decreases due to a partial reflection from the layer boundaries and the influence of electron collisions. When exposed to a short pulse, in the case where the frequencies of the waves excited in the layer are far from the transparency region boundaries, the transmitted pulse broadens due to the group-velocity dispersion. If the frequencies of the excited waves are close to the transparency boundaries, the envelope oscillations appear in the transmitted pulse tail.



