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Surfactant status assessment and personalized therapy for surfactant deficiency or dysfunction
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.siny.2023.101494
Daniele De Luca 1 , Barbara Loi 2 , David Tingay 3 , Humberto Fiori 4 , Paul Kingma 5 , Raffaele Dellacà 6 , Chiara Autilio 7

Surfactant is a pivotal neonatal drug used both for respiratory distress syndrome due to surfactant deficiency and for more complex surfactant dysfunctions (such as in case of neonatal acute respiratory distress syndrome). Despite its importance, indications for surfactant therapy are often based on oversimplified criteria. Lung biology and modern monitoring provide several diagnostic tools to assess the patient surfactant status and they can be used for a personalized surfactant therapy. This is desirable to improve the efficacy of surfactant treatment and reduce associated costs and side effects. In this review we will discuss these diagnostic tools from a pathophysiological and multi-disciplinary perspective, focusing on the quantitative or qualitative surfactant assays, lung mechanics or aeration measurements, and gas exchange metrics. Their biological and technical characteristics are described with practical information for clinicians. Finally, available evidence-based data are reviewed, and the diagnostic accuracy of the different tools is compared. Lung ultrasound seems the most suitable tool for assessing the surfactant status, while some other promising tests require further research and/or development.



