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Factors limiting women's adherence to venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after cesarean section in the Gaza Strip: A cross-sectional study.
Phlebology: The Journal of Venous Disease ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-17 , DOI: 10.1177/02683555231207712
Belal Aldabbour 1 , Ola Abu Sidgh 1 , Israa Haboush 1 , Eman Jalhum 1 , Shimaa Alsmary 1 , Sara Irheem 1 , Samah Elamassie 2 , Mohammad Zimmo 3 , Mohammad Dabour Asad 1

OBJECTIVES We evaluate the rates and limitations of women's adherence to low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) after cesarean section (CS) in the Gaza Strip. METHODS Women who underwent CS were recruited consecutively. Communication offered to women, adherence to Venous thromboembolism (VTE), and its limiting factors were surveyed. RESULTS 281 women participated (mean age 27.9 years). 51.95% fully adhered to VTE prophylaxis. Causes of suboptimal adherence were: 51.1% did not feel VTE prophylaxis was important, 37.8% due to high drug cost, and 11.1% didn't receive a prescription for LMWH at discharge. Poor communication was evident as 48.8% of the sample did not receive any instructions about the technical method of LMWH injection, 45.6% did not receive any information about the clinical significance of heparin, and 74.7% were unaware of LMWH side effects. CONCLUSION There is inadequate adherence to VTE prophylaxis after CS among Gaza women, mostly due to a lack of appropriate communication but also due to drug costs.



目的 我们评估加沙地带妇女剖宫产 (CS) 后坚持使用低分子肝素 (LMWH) 的比率和局限性。方法连续招募接受CS的女性。对向女性提供的沟通、静脉血栓栓塞 (VTE) 的依从性及其限制因素进行了调查。结果 281 名女性参与(平均年龄 27.9 岁)。51.95% 完全坚持 VTE 预防。依从性不佳的原因包括:51.1% 的人认为 VTE 预防并不重要,37.8% 的人认为药物成本高,11.1% 的人出院时没有收到 LMWH 处方。沟通不畅的情况很明显,48.8%的样本没有收到任何有关LMWH注射技术方法的说明,45.6%的样本没有收到任何有关肝素临床意义的信息,74.7%的样本不知道LMWH的副作用。结论 加沙妇女在 CS 后对 VTE 预防的依从性不够,主要是由于缺乏适当的沟通,也是由于药物成本。