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Refuting misinformation: Examining theoretical underpinnings of refutational interventions
Current Opinion in Psychology ( IF 6.813 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2023.101774
Michelle A. Amazeen , Arunima Krishna

With the proliferation of misinformation have come toolkits that include refutation strategies to target the beliefs of individuals that can be employed preemptively (prebunking) or reactively (debunking). Whereas the theoretical lineage of prebunking is well established within the literature on inoculation theory, the theoretical underpinning of debunking is not. Recent advances in inoculation theory include fostering resistance to a of message rather than to the of a message as well as application of messages in both prophylactic and therapeutic situations. Theoretically rooted within studies of conceptual change, fresh insights on debunking interventions derive from knowledge revision models, the Misinformation Receptivity Framework, as well as empirical evidence on the efficacy of narrative correctives and counters.


