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"He's shouting so loud but nobody's hearing him": A multi-informant study of autistic pupils' experiences of school non-attendance and exclusion.
Autism & Developmental Language Impairments Pub Date : 2023-10-18 , DOI: 10.1177/23969415231207816
Laura Gray 1 , Vivian Hill 2 , Elizabeth Pellicano 3

Background and aims Children and young people on the autism spectrum frequently report a range of negative educational experiences and face disproportionally high rates of school non-attendance, including school avoidance and permanent exclusion, which can have a significant impact on their well-being as well as educational and broader life outcomes. To date, few studies have examined the full range of proximal (child, parent/family, school levels) and distal (community and society levels) barriers to ensuring the school attendance and the inclusion of autistic pupils. The current study sought to do just that by examining autistic young peoples' school non-attendance and exclusion experiences from the perspectives of multiple informants. Methods We recruited 12 autistic pupils, who had previously experienced school avoidance and/or exclusion, from one local authority in England, United Kingdom. We conducted semi-structured interviews with the young people themselves, ten of their parents, eight of their current teachers and nine local authority professionals, including six educational psychologists and three specialist autism teachers. We analyzed interviewees' responses using reflexive thematic analysis. Results Interviewees gave overwhelmingly negative accounts of autistic pupils' school non-attendance and exclusion experiences. Our analysis identified a range of school-related factors they felt led to, or exacerbated, negative experiences in their former mainstream schools, and which ultimately led to their or their children's school non-attendance. It also went further to identify distal factors, including fragmented educational experiences, parents "fighting" against a complex bureaucratic system to secure appropriate education for their children, and limited professional involvement. Conclusions Our findings emphasize the importance of examining the broader context in which autistic pupils are embedded and demonstrate that such pupils are able to successfully attend-and even enjoy-school when they receive the appropriate care and support. Implications Schools and local authority professionals should seek to work in partnership with parents and autistic pupils to secure the necessary support for their inclusion in mainstream education. Government policy should support the provision of sufficient local authority professionals to adopt a more proactive approach to mitigate autistic pupils' avoidance of and exclusion from school.



背景和目标 自闭症谱系儿童和青少年经常报告一系列负面的教育经历,并面临不成比例的高缺课率,包括逃避学校和永久排斥,这也可能对其福祉产生重大影响作为教育和更广泛的生活成果。迄今为止,很少有研究全面考察近端(儿童、家长/家庭、学校层面)和远端(社区和社会层面)障碍,以确保自闭症学生的入学率和包容性。目前的研究试图通过从多个受访者的角度审视自闭症年轻人的缺课和排斥经历来做到这一点。方法 我们从英国英格兰的一个地方当局招募了 12 名患有自闭症的学生,他们之前曾经历过学校回避和/或排斥。我们对这些年轻人本人、十位家长、八位现任教师和九位地方当局专业人员进行了半结构化访谈,其中包括六位教育心理学家和三位自闭症专业教师。我们使用反思性主题分析来分析受访者的回答。结果 绝大多数受访者对自闭症学生缺课和被排斥的经历给出了负面评价。我们的分析确定了一系列与学校相关的因素,他们认为这些因素导致或加剧了他们在以前的主流学校的负面经历,并最终导致他们或他们的孩子缺课。它还进一步确定了远端因素,包括支离破碎的教育经历、父母为确保孩子获得适当的教育而与复杂的官僚体系“斗争”以及有限的专业参与。结论 我们的研究结果强调了研究自闭症学生所处更广泛背景的重要性,并证明这些学生在得到适当的照顾和支持时能够成功上学,甚至享受学校生活。影响 学校和地方当局专业人员应寻求与家长和自闭症学生合作,确保为他们融入主流教育提供必要的支持。政府政策应支持提供足够的地方当局专业人员,以采取更积极主动的方法来减少自闭症学生逃避学校和被排除在学校之外的情况。