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Lower urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio predicted all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in Chinese population with diabetes and prediabetes—The Shanghai Changfeng cohort study
Journal of Diabetes ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 , DOI: 10.1111/1753-0407.13497
Lingyan Chen 1 , Li Wu 2 , Qian Li 2 , Hui Ma 1 , Ting Liu 2 , Jing Li 2 , Baisheng Pan 3 , Yu Hu 1 , Huandong Lin 2 , Xin Gao 2, 4

Elevated urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) was associated with increased mortality in general population and diabetic patients. However, whether the association remains similar in the subjects with different status of glucose metabolism was unclear. The optimal level of UACR in predicting mortality also remained unknown. This study aims to investigate the relationship between UACR with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in population with different status of glucose metabolism and explore the predictive cutoff point of UACR.