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Deep carbonate fault–karst reservoir characterization by multi-task learning
Geophysical Prospecting ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.13460
Zheng Zhang 1 , Haiying Li 2 , Zhe Yan 1 , Jiankun Jing 1 , Hanming Gu 1

The carbonate fault–karst reservoir is a special and significant reservoir in the Shunbei area, and the development of the cave has been controlled by strike-slip faults. Due to the complex subsurface structures, fault–karst reservoir characterization is generally divided into fault and cave detection tasks. The potential spatial relationships between faults and caves might be neglected by using the separate detection scheme. The multi-task learning network can perform multiple tasks simultaneously and exploit the potential features of training data by using a deep neural network. In this study, we built fault–karst models based on the geological background of the Shunbei area and synthesized fault–karst training data using three-dimensional point spread function convolution. Then, we developed a multi-task learning network to learn fault–karst features and detect faults and caves simultaneously. The test result demonstrates that the multi-task learning network trained by synthetic fault–karst data can effectively identify the faults and caves in field seismic data. The comparisons of the multi-task learning network, single-task learning networks and conventional methods demonstrate the importance of spatial relationships between faults and caves and show the superiority of the multi-task learning network. This technique could significantly assist in the exploration, development and well deployment for an ultra-deep carbonate reservoir.


