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Mentorship in TANDEM with Leadership in Higher Education
Journal of Leadership Studies Pub Date : 2023-11-27 , DOI: 10.1002/jls.21867
Herb Thompson 1 , Sandra Rodríguez‐Arroyo 2 , Connie Schaffer 3

The current article introduces the perspectives of three faculty members who together lead a mentorship program for new faculty at a Midwestern public higher education institution. These faculties offer their leadership experiences from the viewpoint of a mentee, mentor, and administrator, respectively. Together, their layered experiences outline the formation, development, and evaluation of the TANDEM (Thoughtful Advice, Nurtured Diversity, Engaged Mentorship) program. From their unique perspectives, the authors discuss effective practices, challenges faced, and future frontiers of exploration in faculty mentoring and leadership development.


TANDEM 辅导与高等教育领导力

本文介绍了三名教职员工的观点,他们共同领导了中西部公立高等教育机构新教职员工的导师计划。这些教师分别从受训者、导师和管理者的角度提供他们的领导经验。他们的分层经验共同概述了 TANDEM(深思熟虑的建议、培养多样性、参与式指导)计划的形成、发展和评估。作者从独特的角度讨论了教师指导和领导力发展的有效实践、面临的挑战以及探索的未来前沿。