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Streets, Suites, and States: John Hagan’s Contributions to the Study of Law, Power, and Inequality
Law & Social Inquiry ( IF 1.396 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-27 , DOI: 10.1017/lsi.2023.60
Ron Levi , Traci Burch , Robert L. Nelson

We start this special issue with two perspectives. First, that the sociological study of crime and law often intersects with the study of inequality, power, the state, and life chances. Second, that the study of crime and law are deeply interconnected—institutionally, politically, and culturally. Legal institutions build on normative ideas, organizations, careers, and power to govern, to criminalize, and to punish (and, conversely, to ignore or absolve), and everyday understandings of crime are deeply tied to cultural understandings of legality, perceptions of justice and injustice, and hopes for everyday life. Law and crime are thus dynamically tied to social aspirations, fears, and divisions, and are political and social contests over what unites and what divides societies.


