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Stereotype Threat and Interscholastic Athletic Leadership
Sociology of Sport Journal ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-19 , DOI: 10.1123/ssj.2022-0180
James P. Strode 1 , W. Andrew Czekanski 2 , Anna W. Parkman 3 , Meredith K. Scarlata 4

Women have historically been underrepresented in positions of power within athletic administration. Stereotype threat, or the realization that there is a possibility that one is being judged as confirming or being reduced to a stereotype, can negatively impact the recruitment and retention of woman leaders in sport. This study developed and validated a new scale, the Gender Stereotype Threat in Athletic Administration, and elicited responses from high school athletic directors in two U.S. states. Using multiple analysis of variance, correlation analysis, and structure equation modeling, five hypotheses were tested and supported based on the respondents’ feelings of group identification, belonging uncertainty, extra pressure to succeed, and group reputation threat. The present work extends the findings on stereotype threat in the sport leadership domain and provides a useful instrument to study this phenomenon in future research.



