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Ramifications of Precarious Employment for Health and Health Inequity: Emerging Trends from the Americas
Annual Review of Public Health ( IF 20.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-071321-042437
Anjum Hajat 1 , Sarah B Andrea 2 , Vanessa M Oddo 3 , Megan R Winkler 4 , Emily Q Ahonen 5

Precarious employment (PE), which encompasses the power relations between workers and employers, is a well-established social determinant of health that has strong ramifications for health and health inequity. In this review, we discuss advances in the measurement of this multidimensional construct and provide recommendations for overcoming continued measurement challenges. We then evaluate recent evidence of the negative health impacts of PE, with a focus on the burgeoning studies from North America and South America. We also establish the role of PE in maintaining and perpetuating health inequities and review potential policy solutions to help alleviate its health burden. Last, we discuss future research directions with a call for a better understanding of the heterogeneity within PE and for research that focuses both on upstream drivers that shape PE and its impacts on health, as well as on the mechanisms by which PE causes poor health.Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Public Health, Volume 45 is April 2024. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates.



不稳定就业(PE)涵盖了工人和雇主之间的权力关系,是一个公认的健康社会决定因素,对健康和健康不平等具有强烈影响。在这篇综述中,我们讨论了这种多维结构的测量进展,并提供了克服持续测量挑战的建议。然后,我们评估了体育运动对健康产生负面影响的最新证据,重点关注来自北美和南美的新兴研究。我们还确定了私募股权在维持和延续健康不平等方面的作用,并审查潜在的政策解决方案,以帮助减轻其健康负担。最后,我们讨论了未来的研究方向,呼吁更好地理解 PE 内部的异质性,并开展研究,重点关注影响 PE 的上游驱动因素及其对健康的影响,以及 PE 导致健康状况不佳的机制。 《公共卫生年度回顾》第 45 卷的预计最终在线发布日期为 2024 年 4 月。请参阅 http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates 了解修订后的估计。