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Air Pollutants Classification Using Optimized Neural Network Based on War Strategy Optimization Algorithm
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences Pub Date : 2023-11-27 , DOI: 10.3103/s0146411623060081
Gehad Ismail Sayed , Aboul Ella Hassanein


Air quality prediction is considered one of complex problems. This is due to volatility, dynamic nature, and high variability in space and time of particulates and pollutants. Meanwhile, designing an automated model for monitoring and predicting air quality becomes more and more relevant, particularly in urban regions. Air pollution can significantly affect the environment and eventually citizens’ health. In this paper, one of the popular machine learning algorithms, the neural network algorithm, is employed to classify different species of air pollutants. To boost the performance of the traditional neural network, the war strategy optimization algorithm tunes the neural network’s parameters. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed optimized neural network based on the war strategy algorithm can accurately classify air pollutant species.




