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The impact of the IFRS adoption reform on audit market concentration, auditor choice and audit quality
Journal of Applied Accounting Research Pub Date : 2023-11-29 , DOI: 10.1108/jaar-12-2022-0323
Michael Eric Bradbury , Oksana Kim


The study examines the changes in audit market concentration, auditor choice and audit quality in Russia following International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption. Scholars have called for further examination of the effects of IFRS adoption on auditors, with an emphasis on the importance of analyzing emerging markets that are characterized by enforcement challenges and lack of proper infrastructure. It focuses on a unique feature of Russian companies – dual audits under Russian Accounting Standards (RAS) and IFRS – and investigates changes in audit concentration and audit quality for the two audit markets.


The authors rely on the audited financial statements of Russian public companies and perform pre-/post-IFRS adoption estimation using a logit regression to ascertain whether public firms change auditors from local firms with limited IFRS expertise to those with global reputation, namely Big 4 audit firms. Further, they examine whether the change in audit market concentration post-2012 affects audit quality as proxied by companies' propensity to receive a modified audit opinion and discretionary accruals. Auditor attributes were hand-collected from audited financial statements and matched with financial variables from Datastream.


The IFRS audit market was dominated by the Big 4 audit firms prior to 2012, and there is strong evidence that audit market share (concentration) increases for IFRS reports but not for RAS reports. In addition, companies are more likely to choose a Big 4 audit firm for an RAS audit, conditional upon a Big 4 firm conducting the IFRS audit. The authors do not find evidence of decrease in the probability of audit firms issuing a modified audit opinion under either RAS or IFRS, indicating that, in the Russian setting, increased auditor concentration post-IFRS adoption does not lead to enhanced risk or decline in audit quality. Moreover, they find that discretionary accruals decline post-2012. Overall, the findings indicate that the concern of global regulators regarding audit market concentration is not justified.

Research limitations/implications

The Russian reporting environment is unique and generally characterized by significant agency problems, and the study’s estimation sample is not large, compared to prior studies conducted predominantly in Western jurisdictions. Nevertheless, the authors shed light on the audit concentration phenomenon within emerging markets, for which empirical evidence is scarce. Future research could explore the impact of other capital market events and exogenous shocks, not limited to IFRS adoption, on the characteristics of Russia's audit market.

Practical implications

The IFRS reporting regime is commonly associated with enhanced reporting quality and improved information transparency among public companies. Yet, impairment of audit quality as a result of IFRS-driven increase in audit market share of Big 4 can potentially negate these capital market effects. This study shows that the concerns of global regulators are not valid and that audit quality does not change with increased share of Big 4 post-IFRS adoption.


Dual audits, whereby companies must prepare two sets of financial statements per the IFRS mandate, are not unique to Russia, and the evidence of IFRS reporting on the structural changes in the audit market and implications for audit quality under a dual regime is scarce. Accordingly, the study's findings are important and timely and are expected to aid regulators of countries that have announced or are contemplating the adoption of IFRS for public reporting purposes.






作者依靠俄罗斯上市公司经审计的财务报表,并使用 Logit 回归对采用 IFRS 之前/之后进行估计,以确定上市公司是否将审计师从缺乏 IFRS 专业知识的本地公司更换为具有全球声誉的审计师,即四大审计公司公司。此外,他们还研究了 2012 年后审计市场集中度的变化是否会影响审计质量(以公司接受修改审计意见和酌情应计费用的倾向为代表)。审计师属性是从经审计的财务报表中手工收集的,并与 Datastream 中的财务变量进行匹配。


2012年之前,IFRS审计市场由四大会计师事务所主导,并且有强有力的证据表明,IFRS报告的审计市场份额(集中度)有所增加,但RAS报告的审计市场份额却没有增加。此外,公司更有可能选择四大会计师事务所进行 RAS 审计,条件是四大会计师事务所进行 IFRS 审计。作者没有发现审计公司根据 RAS 或 IFRS 发表修改后审计意见的可能性下降的证据,这表明,在俄罗斯环境中,采用 IFRS 后审计师集中度的增加不会导致审计风险增加或下降质量。此外,他们发现 2012 年后可自由支配的应计费用有所下降。总体而言,调查结果表明,全球监管机构对审计市场集中度的担忧是没有道理的。




国际财务报告准则报告制度通常与上市公司提高报告质量和提高信息透明度相关。然而,由于《国际财务报告准则》推动四大会计师事务所的审计市场份额增加,导致审计质量下降,这可能会抵消这些资本市场影响。这项研究表明,全球监管机构的担忧并不成立,审计质量不会随着四大会计师事务所采用 IFRS 后所占比例的增加而改变。


双重审计,即公司必须根据国际财务报告准则的规定准备两套财务报表,这并不是俄罗斯独有的,而且国际财务报告准则报告审计市场结构变化以及双重制度下对审计质量的影响的证据很少。因此,该研究的结果非常重要且及时,预计将为已宣布或正在考虑采用 IFRS 进行公开报告的国家的监管机构提供帮助。
