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Exploring Pre-service, Early Childhood Educators’ Use of Praise: A Preliminary Investigation
Journal of Behavioral Education ( IF 2.469 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10864-023-09537-1
Margaret T. Floress , Megan D. Evans , Sarah J. Conoyer , Kealie Jenkins

When early childhood educators are not adequately trained in evidence-based behavior management strategies or do not have access to consultation supports, preschool students are at an increased risk of school failure and expulsion. Research suggests that supporting in-service teachers with praise training increases their use of praise and positively impacts student behavior. However, it is unclear to what extent preservice early childhood teachers use praise, in the absence of training. This study examined 13, preservice, early educators’ natural use and acceptability of praise. Praise and reprimand rates were collected during preservice educators’ field-based practicum via direct observation. In addition, the Behavior Intervention Rating Scale for Praise (BIRS-P) was used to measure preservice educators’ praise acceptability. On average, preservice educators reported high acceptability of praise; however, they used praise infrequently, compared to preschool, in-service teachers. Preservice educators used praise infrequently, suggesting they need direct training and support to use this evidence-based strategy. Implications and future research directions are offered.



