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Dignity and Human Rights Violations at the Workplace: Intersectional Vulnerability of Women Domestic Workers in India
Journal of Human Rights and Social Work Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s41134-023-00280-1
Chitra Karunakaran Prasanna , Lekha Divakara Bhat , Sumalatha Bevinje Subbyamoola , Sandra Moolan Joseph

The paper explored the dignity and human rights violations faced by women domestic workers in India at their workplaces through an intersectional lens. The country has over 50 million domestic workers, primarily women, who face multiple structural vulnerabilities at work. The existing literature on domestic workers focused more on the violations of economic labour rights. The subjective experience of daily loss of dignity, humiliation, and human rights violations at the workplace remains relatively unexplored in India. In this context, a survey was conducted among 600 women domestic workers from three selected States – 200 each in Mizoram, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. The research team held six focus group discussions with domestic workers and ten in-depth interviews with NGO personnel and activists. A mixed methodology approach was employed, wherein quantitative and qualitative tools were used, followed by data integration to outline the phenomena under enquiry. The study identified multiple forms of restrictions and prohibitions in the workspaces through which discrimination and humiliation of domestic workers occur, violating their rights and dignity. The paper argues that women domestic workers are highly vulnerable to exploitation, and their identity in terms of gender, caste, class, and ethnicity, creates complex forms of intersectional disadvantages. The feminisation of domestic work and the consequent devaluation of work make the intersectional disadvantages, humiliation, harassment, and exploitation generally invisible. The scenario calls for multi-stakeholder interventions and social action to create decent workspaces to improve the working conditions and social well-being of women domestic workers.



该论文通过交叉视角探讨了印度女佣在工作场所面临的尊严和人权侵犯问题。该国有超过 5000 万家庭佣工,其中主要是女性,她们在工作中面临多种结构性脆弱性。现有关于家政工的文献更多地关注经济劳工权利的侵犯。在印度,日常在工作场所丧失尊严、羞辱和侵犯人权的主观经历仍然相对未被探索。在此背景下,对来自三个选定邦的 600 名女家庭佣工进行了一项调查——米佐拉姆邦、泰米尔纳德邦和喀拉拉邦各 200 名。研究小组与家政工人进行了六次焦点小组讨论,并对非政府组织人员和活动人士进行了十次深度访谈。采用混合方法,其中使用定量和定性工具,然后进行数据整合以概述所调查的现象。该研究发现工作场所存在多种形式的限制和禁止,导致对家政工人的歧视和侮辱,侵犯了他们的权利和尊严。该论文认为,女性家庭佣工极易受到剥削,她们在性别、种姓、阶级和种族方面的身份造成了复杂形式的交叉劣势。家政工作的女性化以及随之而来的工作贬值使得交叉劣势、羞辱、骚扰和剥削普遍不可见。该方案呼吁多方利益相关者干预和社会行动,创造体面的工作空间,改善女佣的工作条件和社会福祉。
