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Differential longitudinal changes of hippocampal subfields in patients with anorexia nervosa
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences ( IF 11.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1111/pcn.13626
Klaas Bahnsen 1 , Marie-Louis Wronski 1, 2 , Johanna Louise Keeler 1, 3 , Joseph A King 1 , Quirina Preusker 1 , Theresa Kolb 1 , Kerstin Weidner 4 , Veit Roessner 5 , Fabio Bernardoni 1 , Stefan Ehrlich 1, 6

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a mental disorder characterized by dietary restriction, fear of gaining weight, and distorted body image. Recent studies indicate that the hippocampus, crucial for learning and memory, may be affected in AN, yet subfield-specific effects remain unclear. We investigated hippocampal subfield alterations in acute AN, changes following weight restoration, and their associations with leptin levels.



神经性厌食症(AN)是一种精神障碍,其特征是饮食限制、害怕体重增加和扭曲的身体形象。最近的研究表明,对于学习和记忆至关重要的海马体可能会在 AN 中受到影响,但具体亚领域的影响仍不清楚。我们研究了急性 AN 中海马亚区的变化、体重恢复后的变化及其与瘦素水平的关系。