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The Bio-moral Politics of Semen
Society ( IF 0.979 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s12115-023-00945-7
Sohini Saha

The article focuses on the bio-moral politics of semen in India. By engaging with religious, ascetic, scientific, and medical discourses on semen in the context of India, it emphasises that semen and the regimes of its control were shaped by complex discourses on health, immortality, and modern politico-medical notions of immunity. Based on sociohistorical and ethnographic perspectives, the article is an exploration of the modern scientific turn to semen in the course of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and how the politics of Indian (Hindu) nationalism enmeshed science, morality, and politics into a biopolitics of semen control. Based on my ethnographic fieldwork in the bayam samitis (traditional gymnasiums) and akharas (places of wrestling) of Kolkata, India, at present, I argue that the bio-moral politics of semen continues to remain entangled with the constitution of the virile and potent body of men and their national and community identities, sexuality, masculinity, health, and fitness with the help of songjom (self-restraint) exercised over masturbatory practices, diet, and night emissions. I conclude the article with the possibility to further think about the relation between the concepts of immortality and immunity that constitute masculine health based on the cultivation of a potent body through embodied practices of bayam (exercise), healthy diet, and semen control.



