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New directions for studying the aging social-cognitive brain
Current Opinion in Psychology ( IF 6.813 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2023.101768
Natalie C. Ebner , Marilyn Horta , Dalia El-Shafie

The study of social cognition has extended across the lifespan with a recent special focus on the impacts of aging on the social-cognitive brain. This review summarizes current knowledge on social perception, theory of mind, empathy, and social behavior from a social-cognitive neuroscience of aging perspective and identifies new directions for studying the aging social-cognitive brain. These new directions highlight the need for standardized operationalization and analysis of social-cognitive constructs; use of naturalistic paradigms to enhance ecological validity of social-cognitive measures; application of repeated assessments via single-N designs for robust delineation of social-cognitive processes in the aging brain; increased representation of vulnerable aging populations in social-cognitive brain research to enhance diversity, promote generalizability, and allow for cross-population comparisons.


