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Macroecological c onstraints on species' ‘movement profiles’: Body mass does not explain it all
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-29 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13786
Samantha Straus 1 , Coreen Forbes 1 , Chelsea J. Little 1, 2 , Rachel M. Germain 1 , Danielle A. Main 3 , Mary I. O'Connor 1 , Patrick L. Thompson 1 , Adam T. Ford 4 , Dominique Gravel 5 , Laura Melissa Guzman 6

Animals couple habitats by three types of movement: dispersal, migration, and foraging, which dynamically link populations, communities, and ecosystems. Across these types, movement distances tend to correlate with each other, potentially reflecting allometric scaling with body mass, but ecological and evolutionary species' traits may constrain movement distances and weaken these correlations. Here, we investigate multivariate “movement profiles” to better understand patterns in movement across movement types, with the aim of improving predictions in ecology from populations to ecosystems.


