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Cultural factors and low-salt consumption: A mixed methods approach
International Journal of Consumer Studies ( IF 7.096 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-27 , DOI: 10.1111/ijcs.12999
Gervaise Debucquet 1 , Cindy Lombart 2 , Doina Crucean 3 , Alain Le‐Bail 3 , Patricia Le‐Bail 4

Because bread consumption significantly contributes to salt intake and health risk, the acceptance of low-salt reformulations has mainly been examined from an organoleptic perspective. However, the influence of cultural patterns has largely been neglected; working in the French context, our study aimed to fill this gap by considering the conflicts between health and cultural norms associated with bread, a totem food. We adopted a sequential and mixed (qualitative and quantitative) research approach based on interviews to grasp the cultural representations associated with bread and to sodium-reduction strategy and based on a quantitative survey at worksite canteens that combined the overall sensory appreciation of a reformulated bread, along with a questionnaire on motivations and attitudes. We used structural equation modeling to explore the acceptance of this new bread, as well as segment analysis to highlight the potential heterogeneity among consumers. The results showed the influence of sensory appreciation and health motivations, which were found to be highly determined by the perceived benefits of a low-salt diet. Unexpectedly, an attachment to the cultural values associated with traditional bread and seeking hedonism through salty food did not inhibit the consumption of reformulated bread. We discussed the scope of an approach embracing the normative pluralism around a totem food to better envision the future of low-salt bread in collective food services. Practical implications can help restaurant managers promote sodium-reduced meals while ensuring compliance with social normativity and cultural values.


