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Multiple-phase materials topology optimization framework with buckling criteria
International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10999-023-09688-z
Ning Gan

The primary focus of traditional topological optimization in continuum structures is addressing stress, compliance, and other relevant factors associated with single-phase materials. However, the optimal design of structural buckling performance has gained increasing attention due to its significant economic loss and safety risk. Furthermore, the versatility, lightweight nature, and adjustability of composite multiple-phase materials offer significant potential for application in various fields. Therefore, this paper presents a novel methodology for optimizing multi-phase materials’ design by concurrently incorporating structural buckling criteria and compliance design. Linear buckling analysis is utilized to determine the critical buckling load of the structure, and a buckling constraint is incorporated into the topology optimization model to regulate its buckling performance. A refined material interpolation model scheme is introduced to enhance the algorithm’s robustness and eliminate pseudo-eigenmode in buckling analysis. The numerical results demonstrate that the final topology optimization design exhibits distinct and discernible boundaries for the topological configurations of multiple-phase materials. Moreover, it is possible to effectively regulate the buckling property while minimizing any compromise on stiffness.



