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Unlocking the potential of optogenetics in microbial applications
Current Opinion in Microbiology ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mib.2023.102404
Moritz Benisch , Stephanie K Aoki , Mustafa Khammash

Optogenetics is a powerful approach that enables researchers to use light to dynamically manipulate cellular behavior. Since the first published use of optogenetics in synthetic biology, the field has expanded rapidly, yielding a vast array of tools and applications. Despite its immense potential for achieving high spatiotemporal precision, optogenetics has predominantly been employed as a substitute for conventional chemical inducers. In this short review, we discuss key features of microbial optogenetics and highlight applications for understanding biology, cocultures, bioproduction, biomaterials, and therapeutics, in which optogenetics is more fully utilized to realize goals not previously possible by other methods.



