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Temporal and spatial variation of floral resources of woody species in a vereda ecosystem: Uniformity and habitat complementarity
Flora ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2023.152425
Andressa Laís Lacerda Luna , Camila Silveira Souza , José Gustavo Santana Neves , Yule Roberta Ferreira Nunes , Paulo Eugênio Oliveira , Islaine Franciely Pinheiro de Azevedo

Floral resource distribution, pollinator community structure, and flowering season are essential for maintaining and preserving pollination services in ecosystems. In humid Cerrado areas, veredas are considered hygrophilous communities, marked by the presence of the Mauritia flexuosa palm tree emerging in the wetter zones. Waterlogged portions present dense hygrophilous forests, whereas open areas predominant present herbaceous and shrubby components. We identified the pollination syndromes of woody species in a vereda ecosystem and characterized the pollination resource availability between habitats (hygrophilous forest and open area). The study was conducted on a vereda located in the north of Minas Gerais, Brazil. We characterized pollination syndromes using information on floral attributes, pollinator observations, and a literature survey. We performed phenological monitoring for 24 months and examined the occurrence of flowering using circular statistics. The differences in pollination syndrome occurrence among months and habitats were determined using modularity analysis. We found eight pollination syndromes, with melittophily being the most frequent pollination type among the woody species in the studied vereda. Flowering occurs throughout the year in the community and peaks from September to November during the transition from the dry to the wet season. In hygrophilous forest the species flowered preferentially in November, whereas in open area, preferentially between September and October. The syndromes distribution differed between the habitats, as well as resource availability. This difference between habitats can influence pollinator diversity. Modularity showed complementarity among the habitats, with continuous resource availability throughout the entire ecosystem. Species present in the hygrophilous forest provide their resources mainly during the rainy season, whereas species from the open area, during the dry season. Information on these interactions is necessary to understand the functionality of a vereda ecosystem, through the characterization of the resource's availability, and maintenance of pollination services in the ecosystem. In addition, our results demonstrate the importance of the vereda ecosystem as an important area in the availability of resources for the Cerrado formation. This information can strengthen protection laws and contribute to sustainable practices that boost the conservation of pollinators in the biome.



花卉资源分布、传粉媒介群落结构和开花季节对于维持和保存生态系统中的授粉服务至关重要。在潮湿的塞拉多地区,维雷达被认为是喜湿群落,其特点是在潮湿地区出现了毛里求斯棕榈树。淹水部分呈现茂密的嗜湿森林,而开阔地区主要呈现草本和灌木成分。我们确定了 Vereda 生态系统中木本物种的授粉综合症,并描述了栖息地(潮湿森林和开阔地区)之间授粉资源的可用性。这项研究是在位于巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州北部的 Vereda 上进行的。我们利用花卉属性信息、传粉媒介观察和文献调查来描述授粉综合症。我们进行了 24 个月的物候监测,并使用循环统计检查了开花的发生情况。使用模块化分析确定月份和栖息地之间授粉综合症发生的差异。我们发现了八种授粉综合症,其中蜂花授粉是所研究的 Vereda 木本物种中最常见的授粉类型。该群落全年开花,在九月至十一月从旱季到雨季的过渡期间达到高峰。在潮湿的森林中,该物种优先在 11 月开花,而在开阔地区,优先在 9 月至 10 月期间开花。栖息地之间的综合症分布以及资源可用性都不同。栖息地之间的差异会影响传粉媒介的多样性。 模块化显示了栖息地之间的互补性,整个生态系统具有持续的资源可用性。喜湿森林中的物种主要在雨季提供资源,而来自开阔地区的物种则在旱季提供资源。有关这些相互作用的信息对于通过资源可用性的表征以及生态系统中授粉服务的维护来了解 vereda 生态系统的功能是必要的。此外,我们的结果证明了 Vereda 生态系统作为 Cerrado 地层资源可用性的重要区域的重要性。这些信息可以加强保护法,并有助于促进生物群落中传粉媒介保护的可持续实践。
