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Diet, Status, and incipient social Inequality: Stable isotope data from three complex Fisher-Hunter-Gatherer sites in southern California
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.312 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101554
Mikael Fauvelle , Andrew D. Somerville

How different were the lives of elites and commoners in early complex societies? This paper examines this question using data from three fisher-hunter-gatherer sites in southern California. Using shell bead counts from burials as proxies for social status and previously published human stable isotope values as indicators of dietary practices, we examine the relationship between diet and status across a period of major sociopolitical change. Our results found no significant relationships between the quantity of beads and stable isotope values, indicating that differential access to foods was not a significant way in which status was manifested in these communities. Instead, we suggest that activities including ownership of sea-going canoes, access to imported goods, and the provisioning of community feasts were likely venues for elite status signaling.



