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Dealing with dissent from the medical ranks: Public health authorities and COVID-19 communication.
Public Understanding of Science ( IF 3.702 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-16 , DOI: 10.1177/09636625231204563
Øyvind Ihlen 1 , Anja Vranic 1

During a public health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, the public health authorities will typically be criticized for their efforts. When such criticism comes from the ranks of medical personnel, the challenge becomes more pronounced for the authorities, as it suggests a public negotiation of who has sufficient expertise to handle the pandemic. Hence, the authorities are faced with the challenge of defending their competence and advice, while at the same time adhering to a bureaucratic/scientific ethos that imposes communicative boundaries. This explorative study analyzes the response strategies used by the Norwegian public health authorities in this regard. A main finding is that the authorities shunned aggressive language and mostly relied on a strategy pointing to well-established values such as proportionality (between the measures and the gravitas of the epidemiological situation) and relevance (the measures should meet the challenge in question).


处理医疗界的异议:公共卫生当局和 COVID-19 沟通。

在像 COVID-19 大流行这样的公共卫生危机期间,公共卫生当局的努力通常会受到批评。当此类批评来自医务人员时,当局面临的挑战就变得更加明显,因为这意味着需要就谁拥有足够的专业知识来应对这一流行病进行公开谈判。因此,当局面临着捍卫其能力和建议的挑战,同时又坚持强加沟通界限的官僚/科学精神。这项探索性研究分析了挪威公共卫生当局在这方面所采用的应对策略。主要发现是,当局避免使用攻击性语言,而主要依赖于指向既定价值观的策略,例如相称性(措施与流行病学形势的严重性之间)和相关性(措施应应对相关挑战)。