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Effects of Expanded Perlite on the Composting of Sheep Manure and Jujube Branch: Nitrogen Conservation and Organic Matter Degradation
Compost Science & Utilization ( IF 1.188 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-10 , DOI: 10.1080/1065657x.2023.2281315
Kai Hu 1 , Shulin Xu 1, 2 , Daitao Chen 1 , Youhui Gao 1 , Yubin Zhao 1 , Yuegao Hu 1 , Xiaofen Wang 1

Co-composting of sheep manure and jujube branch, a potential technology of waste management in Xinjiang, China, is currently undermined by the low degradation rate of jujube branch waste. This stud...