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HPV-related lesions after hysterectomy for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and early-stage cervical cancer: A focus on the potential role of vaccination.
Tumori Journal ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-17 , DOI: 10.1177/03008916231208344
Giorgio Bogani 1 , Francesco Sopracordevole 2 , Andrea Ciavattini 3 , Alessandro Ghelardi 4 , Enrico Vizza 5 , Paolo Vercellini 6 , Jvan Casarin 7 , Ciro Pinelli 7 , Fabio Ghezzi 7 , Rosa De Vincenzo 8 , Violante Di Donato 9 , Tullio Golia D'augè 9 , Andrea Giannini 9 , Flavia Sorbi 10 , Marco Petrillo 11 , Giampiero Capobianco 11 , Giuseppe Vizzielli 2 , Stefano Restaino 12 , Stefano Cianci 13 , Giovanni Scambia 8 , Francesco Raspagliesi 1

OBJECTIVE To date, no data supports the execution of vaccination after hysterectomy for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2+) and early-stage cervical cancer. We aim to evaluate the potential effect of vaccination after hysterectomy for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and early-stage cervical cancer. METHODS This is a multi-center retrospective study evaluating data of women who develop lower genital tract dysplasia (including anal, vulvar and vaginal intra-epithelial neoplasia) after having hysterectomy for CIN2+ and FIGO stage IA1- IB1 cervical cancer. RESULTS Overall, charts for 77 patients who developed lower genital tract dysplasia were collected. The study population included 62 (80.5%) and 15 (19.5%) patients with CIN2+ and early-stage cervical cancer, respectively. The median (range) time between hysterectomy and diagnosis of develop lower genital tract dysplasia was 38 (range, 14-62) months. HPV types covered by the nonavalent HPV vaccination would potentially cover 94.8% of the development of lower genital tract dysplasia. Restricting the analysis to the 18 patients with available HPV data at the time of hysterectomy, the beneficial effect of nonvalent vaccination was 89%. However, considering that patients with persistent HPV types (with the same HPV types at the time of hysterectomy and who developed lower genital tract dysplasia) would not benefit from vaccination, we estimated the potential protective effect of vaccination to be 67% (12 out of 18 patients; four patients had a persistent infection for the same HPV type(s)). CONCLUSIONS Our retrospective analysis supported the adoption of HPV vaccination in patients having treatment for HPV-related disease. Even in the absence of the uterine cervix, HPV vaccination would protect against develop lower genital tract dysplasia. Further prospective studies have to confirm our preliminary research.


子宫切除术后高级别宫颈上皮内瘤变和早期宫颈癌的 HPV 相关病变:关注疫苗接种的潜在作用。

目的 迄今为止,尚无数据支持子宫切除术后针对高级别宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN2+)和早期宫颈癌进行疫苗接种。我们的目的是评估子宫切除术后疫苗接种对高级别宫颈上皮内瘤变和早期宫颈癌的潜在效果。方法 这是一项多中心回顾性研究,评估因 CIN2+ 和FIGO IA1-IB1 期宫颈癌接受子宫切除术后出现下生殖道发育不良(包括肛门、外阴和阴道上皮内瘤变)的女性的数据。结果 总体而言,收集了 77 名患有下生殖道发育不良的患者的图表。研究人群分别包括 62 名 (80.5%) 和 15 名 (19.5%) 患有 CIN2+ 和早期宫颈癌的患者。子宫切除术和诊断出下生殖道发育不良之间的中位(范围)时间为 38(范围,14-62)个月。非价 HPV 疫苗接种所覆盖的 HPV 类型可能覆盖 94.8% 的下生殖道发育不良。将分析限制在子宫切除时可获得 HPV 数据的 18 名患者,非价疫苗接种的有益效果为 89%。然而,考虑到持续存在 HPV 类型的患者(子宫切除时具有相同 HPV 类型且出现下生殖道发育不良)的患者不会从疫苗接种中受益,我们估计疫苗接种的潜在保护效果为 67%(12 例)。 18 名患者;4 名患者持续感染相同 HPV 类型)。结论 我们的回顾性分析支持在接受 HPV 相关疾病治疗的患者中采用 HPV 疫苗接种。即使没有子宫颈,HPV 疫苗接种也可以预防下生殖道发育不良。进一步的前瞻性研究必须证实我们的初步研究。